In the News: Troy University Was Named a Leader in International Education

Troy University was named a leader in international education

If you live in town, you’re familiar with Troy University! It’s one of the most well-known colleges in the state—and it’s where many locals have earned their degrees. However, there’s a new fact that you might not be aware of: recently, Troy University was named a leader in international education. So, what exactly does that mean? We’ll explain it all!

Who gave Troy University this honor?

Someone big in Alabama leadership made this honor possible. This is none other than our state governor, Kay Ivey! She named Troy University as a leader in this area as International Education Week was running. Talk about perfect timing! Though she was not there for the event, Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr. passed on the news to Troy University students.

What does this honor mean?

Recently, Troy University was named a leader in international education by our governor. Wondering exactly what this entails? Essentially, it means that the college—and our town—is filled with people with heritages from all over the world.

Our country is often called an international melting pot, and Troy University is proudly a place for people of all cultures to learn. In fact, it has almost 800 international students earning their degree. Some of the countries they come from include:

  • Nepal;
  • Spain;
  • China;
  • Nigeria;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Vietnam;
  • Germany;
  • Malaysia;
  • South Korea;
  • India; and
  • Many more countries.

As you can see, Troy University is home to a wide, rich array of different cultures. Together, students can work towards a successful future and become a part of a larger global village.


Troy University was named a leader in international education, which just shows how much value it adds to our community. Whether you want to attend Troy University yourself or you want to find an amazing place to live, Troy Alabama Apartment Homes would be proud to call you a resident. Want to learn more about our apartments? Visit our website or give us a call at (334) 670-0257! You can also find out further facts about our town by reading our blog!